EDUCATED by Tara Westover

The author is now 31 years old, having written this book in her late twenties. The  level of maturity, of self-reflection and analysis is remarkable in one so young. And made more extraordinary by where this young woman came from. Not just her physical environment but the emotional and intellectual deprivation that dominated her early years, leaving her completely isolated from mainstream society. Her father was convinced the world was going to end sometime very soon, so had the whole family geared to survival after the apocalypse. His manic distrust of the authorities meant that his children never saw a doctor, never went to school and were actively discouraged from mixing with other children. It would seem there was little chance for young Tara to ever break out of this life.

But break out she did. Even after reading this book, it still seems hard to believe that she actually did make it - ending up with a PhD from Cambridge. A young woman with no formal education, very few role models to help her along, massive obstacles and traumas in her way from her family.   So many odds against her. The magical thing though about Tara is that because she had not grown up in a mainstream way she was a complete open book, a sponge almost when she got into her learn groove. Like a flower she blossomed. Hugely. But to get to where she is now was by no means an easy process. Obstacles galore, numerous derailments, but she gets there.

One does wonder what, if any, permanent damage has been done to this young woman with her upbringing, her estrangement from her family, the accuracy or otherwise of her stories - she is very open throughout the story about the differing versions of events that took place. It makes me wonder if her memory has deliberately blocked traumas out. Nevertheless this story is so special, so full of courage, strength, determination, and sheer grit.

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