ASK AGAIN, YES by Mary Beth Keene

West Side Story, Romeo and Juliet,  are just two stories through history and real life of  star crossed lovers whose families are not greatly pleased that their childrens have fallen in love. This novel is another take on this never-fails-to-tug-the-hearstrings story, and very well done it is too, if somewhat too long and drawn out. Luckily for the reader, the lovers don't die a tragic and youthful death, but their relationship being over ridden by the turn of events amongst the parents. The beauty of this of course, is that it is in the hands of the younger generation to find ways to heal the damage, forgive the actions of the parents, find ways to move forward, and be the agents of the healing.

Kate and Peter grow up next door to each other. Their dads Francis and Brian respectively meet as rookie policemen, and although friendly, never really become best mates. Their wives Lena and Anne could not be more different, and this does make for awkward neighbourly relationships. Kate and Peter do everything together, best of friends, kindred spirits. It is clear fairly early on that Anne is not a well woman, deeply affected by the still birth of her first baby, her pregnancy being the only reason she and Brain married in the first place. The grief is enormous grief between these two, and it is never fully dealt with, shaping their marriage and family life, with Peter the pawn in the middle.

Things come to a head one day when Kate and Peter are in their early teens, with an almost fatal outcome, resulting in the two families going their separate ways. It is not until Kate and Peter are both living and studying in New York city in their late teens that they meet up again, falling in love as adults this time rather than than children. Their union is wonderful to watch, but at the root of their relationship is what happened some years before, the repercussions still seriously affecting both families. Unexpectedly it is Anne who is the catalyst for the two families to reunite, the result being this beautifully told and gentle story of rebuilding, commitment, love and the power of family. Out of the ashes of one family breakdown a new and stronger family is built.

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